Road Trip Essentials with Kids


This summer we have planned more local trips than past summers because of Covid 19. It helps that my sister lives in Orlando and has a beach house in Daytona (available on air BNB

During these 3 hour rides, I now rely on these quick and easy road trip essentials to entertain my 6 year old. 

In the back seat there is a travel bag of snacks and her thermos of water. I also include books, sunglasses, crayons, headphones, a hat and a small notebook and colored pencils in the bag so everything is in one place. 

Yes, there is an iPad involved. We don’t have built in screens in the car so we brig the iPad and I downloaded her I-ready app for school and some other educational apps like Khan Academy and ABC Mouse. I’ve also downloaded some educational shows from my Netflix account. There are also fun apps like Wordscapes which are word searches and offer prizes and points for solving them. 

I also bought an organizer that hangs on the back of the passenger seat to place her iPad, tissues and small toys. 

We also sang songs and played I-spy because those are always fun road trip games. 

She loves to color so she enjoyed time with a mini coloring book and a journal to write and draw. Don’t forget the stickers! 

When we got home, my daughter lovingly confessed how she loves road trips so I guess that’s another memory for the books.


Written by: Nalene Baker



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