Pandemic Academy - Where You Have the Choice


2019 – 2020 school year ended quite interesting… all students were sent home to learn virtually due to a global pandemic. This is seriously something no one has ever planned for. So, here we are summer is coming to an end, the new school year is quickly approaching and the COVID-19 curve does not seem to flatten… Now what?! 

Parents are having to make school decisions for their little one(s). Send them to school, virtual learning, homeschool… Everyone’s situation is different and parents will choose whatever best suites their family. There is no right or wrong answer, DO WHAT YOU NEED TO DO! 

I personally chose homeschooling and here’s why! 1. I would rather not have him in school when he can be home with us. (again my personal preference) 2. My son does not meet the age requirement to enter 1st grade. 3. My husband and I are both working from home right now and can make this work for our family. 

In case someone else wants to know how to get started, here is what I’ve gathered so far. If your child is currently enrolled in the public school system, you must disenroll them. The next step would be to send a letter of intent. Different counties have samples on their website, if you need help finding it send us an email ( with the subject: HOMESCHOOL. 

So now that that’s out the way, let’s talk curriculum. There’s sooooo many options and a quick google search or your good ol’ Facebook community can assist you with this. I looked at many programs but since I want him to eventually go into public school I looked into FLVS Flex since it’s the same curriculum as public schools. However, they are state funded and will not allow my son to start 1st grade unless he is 6 by Sept 1st. We ultimately chose to go with Time4Learning. My son ended his Kindergarten year with this program and he loved it. The curriculum is video lessons so I don’t have to create any lesson plans. The program is just under $20/month. It is self paced and the grade is adjustable. 

Once you choose the program that you like, you should know a key item needed as a homeschooler. You must maintain a portfolio of educational records. Statute defines a portfolio as a log of educational activities which is made contemporaneously with the instruction and which designates by title any reading materials used, and samples of any writings, worksheets, workbooks or creative materials used or developed by the student. (Statute 1002.41(1)(b))

Homeschooling allows parents so much flexibility. Some kids may really enjoy it while others may not, but like I said earlier that’s okay. As parents, it is our job to do what is best for our families. Good luck mamas! We will get through this. 

written by: Karina Jules


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