Travel-Ready, Set, GO! (Kids’ Backpack Edition)

I was nervous about flying alone with the kiddos so I (overly) prepared for any possible delays and/or boredom moments (because 'I'm bored' is a catch phrase for my kids)... I’m here to share with you how I prepared. I started by ordering each child a backpack from that would serve as their personal bag. I gathered some items around the house to see what we had prior to going shopping. Let’s go through what I added in their backpacks and yes, it was pretty much identical! 

Home: Tablet (this is always a lifesaver), headphones, LCD writing tablet/Doodle board, hand sanitizer, pop it, 2 extra outfits

Target: backpack, ring pops, coloring play pack, headphone split, build & pop

Walmart: fidgets

Dollar(25)Tree: lego box, crayons, sticker story book, small notebook, crayons

Five Below: water bottle, water magic book

The kiddos carried their own backpacks and I had one as well that I packed with snacks and lunch. For lunch I made turkey and cheese sandwiches on Hawaiian bread. I packed a countless amount of snacks from Oreos, cookies, Ritz snacks, muffins, cheese sticks and grapes. I kept the cold items cold by freezing grapes and taking a small lunchbox. I filled the water bottles once I got to the gate, the airport had a filling station nearby. 

I appreciate the pre-boarding because I was able to go in and get us situated. I checked the stroller at the gate, put our bags down and wiped down the kids' areas. Our airline had tvs so the kids started off there, watching movies and playing games. From their backpacks they mostly used their tablets/headphones and did some water coloring. They ate their sandwiches midway through the flight, but no other snacks. They did have the airline snacks and drinks as well. 

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